The picture on the right was taken at a family picnic in the Mission Canyon on our reservation in Montana many years
ago (approx 1951). People in the picture are: Standing: Left to right is Grandpa Ben Horseman, in front of him is Marchie
Horseman, Grandma Mamie Horseman, George Forgey, Grandpa Bryan Cochran, and Joe Joe Brockie holding Vernon; Kneeling:
Left to right is Mike Blue Horse, Cheryl Horseman, Uncle Dorrance Horseman, the person facing Dorence is unkown, Barbara Jones,
Yvonne Horseman, Mom (Betty lou), and Aunt Rosie Horseman holding Lana; Front Row: Left to right is Grandma Mabel Cochran,
Dawn Cochran, and last but not least Me (Ruben)!